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Kinross Primary School

Kinross Primary School

Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School

COVID-19 Request

Whilst we understand parents / carers will be anxious about arrangements for pupils returning to school in August on a blended model (i.e. a mixture of I n school and home learning), we are not in a position to accept requests from individual families around attendance pattern preferences.

Currently, we are awaiting guidance from our Local Authority on school capacity, taking account of social distancing as well as on possible attendance patterns to be implemented in August.

Once these details have been confirmed, our priority will be to look at family groupings across Nursery, Primary and Secondary to try and ensure, as far as possible, that the attendance pattern in consistent for a whole family.

As you can appreciate, this will be a challenging process for us to complete. We appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime.
