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Kinross Primary School

Kinross Primary School

Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School

Meet the Teacher

Parents and Carers are invited to come into school on Friday 26th August anytime between 2.15pm and 3.00pm as a chance to see the children's classes and meet the teacher. Due to our restricted space and for health and safety reasons we ask that only one adult attends for each family (no younger or older siblings please). Parents and carers should arrive at the school reception and will be shown to classes.

This is an informal chance to visit the classroom and say hello to the teacher. You will have an opportunity to discuss your child's progress at Parent Contact appointments at the end of Term 1. Children can leave with the adult at the end of your visit (via the school main entrance).
