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Kinross Primary School

Kinross Primary School

Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School

Return to school important reminders

We would like to remind parents / carers of the First Minister's following statement regarding the risks associated with the return to school and expectations for parents / carers, "The risk is that schools going back might lead to parents socialising more, at the school gates for example, or returning to the workplace rather than working from home. And so - although I do know how difficult this is - I am asking parents and employers to make sure this doesn’t happen." Please see below some of the measures in place to minimise risk.

  • Car park is open to staff only. Parents / carers please 'park and stride'

  • Drop off and pick up will be staggered to reduce gatherings at the beginning and end of the school day:

    Group 1 - If your child's surname is A-L, their drop off is 8.55am and pick up 2.55pm.
    Group 2 - If your child's surname is M-Z, their drop off is 9.05am and pick up 3.05pm.

  • All adults should wear face coverings at drop off and pick up times. This will include staff who are meeting and greeting at the doors.

In order for physical distancing between adults, we would ask that parent / carers observe the following (please follow signage):

  • Entry to the school grounds via the lane entrances only (car park closed to parents / carers). 

  • Exits from the school grounds via Bowton Road and gate adjacent to MUGA pitch

  • Please note, no bikes or scooters are to be left in school grounds. Should children wish to travel to school on these, parents / carers must take them home. This is to minimise the potential spread of infection.

We would remind parents / carers of the importance of following all measures we have in place within the school to ensure the safety of pupils and schools staff, and we would appreciate your assistance in reinforcing the importance of this with your child/young person.
