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Summer Fayre

Two dates for the diary:

Summer Fayre - Sat 11 June

Events meeting to start Fayre Planning - Thu 25 Feb 8pm, The Green Hotel

Last year Sam Gray organised another fabulous school Fayre. Unfortunately Sam is unable to organise this years Fayre. Therefore, a new committee is urgently needed to start planning and organising the Fayre for this summer. This will be the last Fayre held at the existing school, so let's do the school proud and make it a good one!

We really need at least 6 committed parents to be on the Fayre committee for planning and also to be available for the majority of the time between 8am (set up) - 5pm (tidy up) on Sat 11 June.

We meet regularly between now and then, mainly at The Green Hotel. Please let me know if you would like to be involved or would like more information.

Look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible and hopefully some can make the meeting this Thursday.