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Kinross Primary School

Kinross Primary School

Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School Life at Kinross Primary School

Updated COVID-19 guidance for Schools from Scottish Government

Perth and Kinross Council remains at Level 2. Updated expectations:

  • Face coverings should be worn by parents and other visitors to the school site (whether entering the building or otherwise), including parents at drop-off and pick-up.
  • At Levels 0-2 face coverings should be worn by staff where they cannot keep two metres from other adults and / or children and young people (with the exception of Nursery - Primary 2). 
  • At all Levels face coverings should be used by adults when not working directly with children
  • Careful hand washing with soap and warm water/use of alcohol-based hand sanitiser before and after handling jotters (or other pieces of equipment) mitigates the need for quarantine for 72 hours before, and 72 hours after. Staff should also avoid touching their mouth, nose and eye area.
  • PE: Children aged 11 and under can play organised contact sport both indoors and outdoors. Children should continue to wear suitable clothing for inclement weather in the event that PE is outdoors.
  • SLT to establish a remote learning contingency plan to help all staff and parents understand what will happen in the event our school has to close.

Reminder of Continuing measures already in place

  • Entrance and Exit gates
  • Staggered start and end to the school day
  • Strict hand-washing and respiratory hygiene help to contain the spread of COVID 19
  • Following and reinforcing physical distancing advice. Staff should always be 2m from one another
  • Minimising mixing of class/ nursery bubbles e.g. through the use of playground zones
  • Ongoing review of risk assessments
  • Wearing sports kit to school
  • Lunch in classrooms to avoid the use of shared spaces
  • Enhanced cleaning throughout the school day by Tayside Contracts
  • Virtual meetings
  • Sanitising of shared resources
  • Drop box at School and Nursery entrances
  • Removal of soft furnishings

We appreciate your ongoing support to adhere to these measures in order to keep our staff, pupils and families safe.
